截止目前,引用Bioss产品发表的文献共26093篇,总影响因子123723.87分,发表在Nature, Science, Cell以及Immunity等顶级期刊的文献共60篇,合作单位覆盖了清华、北大、复旦、华盛顿大学、麻省理工学院、东京大学以及纽约大学等国际知名研究机构上百所。
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近期收录2023年8月引用Bioss产品发表的文献共304篇(图一,绿色柱),文章影响因子(IF) 总和高达1925.1,其中,10分以上文献36篇(图二)。
本文主要分享引用Bioss产品发表文章至Nature Nanotechnology, Immunity, Cancer Cell等期刊的4篇 IF>15 的文献摘要,让我们一起欣赏吧。
Nature [IF=64.8]

HIF-1 Alpha/AF488 pAb | FCM
Nature Communications [IF=16.6]
TGF beta 1 Rabbit pAb | IF
摘要:The desmoplastic stroma in solid tumors presents a formidable challenge to immunotherapies that rely on endogenous or adoptively transferred T cells, however, the mechanisms are poorly understood. To define mechanisms involved, here we treat established desmoplastic pancreatic tumors with CAR T cells directed to fibroblast activation protein (FAP), an enzyme highly overexpressed on a subset of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Depletion of FAP+ CAFs results in loss of the structural integrity of desmoplastic matrix. This renders these highly treatment-resistant cancers susceptible to subsequent treatment with a tumor antigen (mesothelin)-targeted CAR T cells and to anti-PD-1 antibody therapy. Mechanisms include overcoming stroma-dependent restriction of T cell extravasation and/or perivascular invasion, reversing immune exclusion, relieving T cell suppression, and altering the immune landscape by reducing myeloid cell accumulation and increasing endogenous CD8+ T cell and NK cell infiltration. These data provide strong rationale for combining tumor stroma- and malignant cell-targeted therapies to be tested in clinical trials.
Nature Communications [IF=16.6]
Fibrinogen (from Rat plasma)
IFN gamma Rabbit pAb | IF
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in older adults and characterized by progressive loss of memory and cognitive functions that are associated with amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Immune cells play an important role in the clearance of Aβ deposits and neurofibrillary tangles. T cells are the major component of the immune system. The thymus is the primary organ for T cell generation. T cell development in the thymus depends on thymic epithelial cells (TECs). However, TECs undergo both qualitative and quantitative loss over time. We have previously reported that a recombinant (r) protein containing FOXN1 and a protein transduction domain can increase the number of TECs and subsequently increases the number of T cells in mice. In this study we determined the ability of rFOXN1 to affect cognitive performance and AD pathology in mice.
Aged 3xTg-AD and APP/PS1 AD mice were injected with rFOXN1 or control protein. Cognitive performance, AD pathology, the thymic microenvironment and immune cells were then analyzed.
Administration of rFOXN1 into AD mice improves cognitive performance and reduces Aβ plaque load and phosphorylated tau in the brain...