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NEO-9 新生小鼠纹身系统
was developed just for tattooing P0-P15 neonate rodents of any color/strain. This convenient kit comes complete with a micro controller w/HDUI power supply, foot pedal (on/off), preset speeds, ultra light tattoo machine, non-skid machine
platform with pigment holder, micro tattooing station (light, skin prep holder, 4x magnification), AIMS certified safe tattoo
pigment, AIMS skin prep (reduce fading), standard/fine tip tattoo needles, finger guards, needle scanning scope, comprehensive DVD instructions, and carrying case. The detailed training guide provides step-by-step guidance and
detailed illustrations on multiple ID schemes with large number ranges (> 9,000). Neonate tattoo identification is a practical and humane alternative to toe clipping (non-invasive). Toe tattoos allow you to use your existing numbering system without removing the toe. Included supplies will tattoo ~ 2000 neonates.
ATS-3 一般啮齿类动物纹身系统
has supplies and accessories for tattoo ~ 3000 weanling rodents and larger. The detailed training guide & instruction DVD provide step-by-step guidance with detailed illustrations. Use numbers, letters, lines, dots, and/or colors to permanently ID any color/strain mouse or rat. Comes complete with AIMS standard tattoo machine w/calibrated needle tube, micro controller w/extended machine speed, AIMS humane rapid mouse cup restraint system, tail tattoo reading light, certified safe/non toxic supplies and tattooing accessories, 242B concentrated black pigment for C57 & B6 mice. This system can be used for neonate rodent tattooing when purchased with the neonate accessory package.
Use the ATS-3 Tattooing System for Neonate Rodents with the Neonate Accessory Package. Includes Micro Tattooing Platform (w/ light, 4x magnification, skin prep holder and DC power supply), finger guards, neonate pigment, skin prep, fine tip needles, and instruction book and DVD (Laboratory Animal Tattooing Identification Vol., 1 Neonate Mice & Rats).
The AIMS ATS-3L Large Lab Animal Tattoo System is a compact tattoo kit specifically developed for
the tattoo identification of large laboratory animals (hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, rabbits, NHP, Swine, [anything larger than a mouse/rat]). Features AIMS ultra light weight tattoo machine for quick, easy skin tattooing for both the tattooist and animal. Includes an HDUI compact micro-power supply and tattoo controller in a small profile kit.
AIMS ultra-light tattoo machine. Foot pedal on/off micro-controller. AIMS small/large bore calibrated needle tube.
Select large animal tattoo needles. Small equipment profile (quick setup/pickup). Reduced animal stress (quick tattooing).
Easy cleaning & sterilization between animals. Detailed operating and tattooing instructions. Unlimited technical support from AIMS.
耳打孔器Ear Punch
EP-901 Ear Punch 1mm punch scissors style
EP-902 Ear Punch 2mm punch scissors style
EP-900 Ear Punch 2mm punch thumb style
Aramis Microtattoo System
A Revolutionary Method for Humane Identification of Laboratory Animals Individual identification is essential for the maintenance of health/study records and the management of colonies of laboratory animals.
This instrument is in compliance with regulatory agencies and research protocol requirements for the care and use of laboratory animals.
Permanent mark which is easily readable on pigmented or albino animals.
Rapid and easy to apply.
Almost infinite ID numbers.
Sterile and disposable hypodermic needles to
prevent the spread of potentially infectious
The needle is re-inked when it enters the ink tank on the other side. Discomfort of the animal is minimal and equivalent to a quick injection with a very fine needle.
Choose the needle
Fill the ink tank
Squeeze the instrument
Identification with the grid location
Complete kit includes 1 Aramis microtattoo instrument, 1 oz. of Ketchum Green Tattoo Paste, 1 aluminum planchette, plastic holding case, and 2 practice hypodermic needles.
MT-KITComplete Microtattoo Kit
MTP-1Green Tattoo Paste, 1 oz.
MTP-5Green Tattoo Paste, 5 oz.
Small Animal Ear Tags
Stainless Steel Applicator is designed to seal the tags with minimal pressure, while providing a good, secure seal. Applicator can be used with or without the spring. The spring applies slight closing pressure to help hold the tag in the
applicator prior to sealing. Place the ear tag in the applicator keeping the hole side of the tag flat against the jaw of the applicator with the indentation.
EP-1005-S1Small animal ear tag applicator Stainless Steel Applicator
EP-1005-1Small animal ear tags (1,000 pieces)