Plasmid Mini
Kit for high-copy plasmid DNA purification. Sample size: up to 3 ml of bacteria culture.
ExTerminator 96-well
Nucleotide terminators removal kit after cycle sequencing reactions. Form: 96-well plates. Sample size: up to 20 μl.
EZ DNA Methylation-Startup™ Kit
Designed for the first time user requiring a consolidated product to perform DNA methylation analysis.
第一类医疗器械产品备案号:浙甬械备20160070 本试剂盒为从经福尔马林固定石蜡包埋组织(简称FFPE)中提取DNA提供一种高质量、快速、高效的方法。使用本试剂盒提取DNA操作简单、安全。提取所得的DNA可直接应用于PCR等下游实验。